by Yann Arthus Bertrand and Philippe Bourseiller
A European Investment Bank exhibition,
brought to you by the SCRIPT

On water – sur l’eau by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Philippe Bourseiller, a European Investment Bank exhibition brought to you by the SCRIPT, will be shown from October 2019 at a number of Luxembourgish high schools.
This internationally renowned exhibition, featuring breathtaking photographs from Antarctician natural wonders to Tanzanian and New Caledonian water vegetation, is open during school times for both elementary and secondary school classes. In times when we have finally come to realize how scarce and increasingly vulnerable the planet's natural resources, and water in particular, really are, On Water - Sur l'eau is an inescapable exhibition. It offers you the unique opportunity to see Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Philippe Bourseiller's marvellous photographs on our most precious resource and thus give this topic the attention it deserves in class.
Plan your individual visit with your class, book your slot and get educational material on the “On Water” exhibition.